Alex Mars Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Pain Of Pleasure

What's this thought
This pain you've brought
Body torn apart inside
I've done all I can, I've tryed

Everyone's Last Fall

Crimson sky burns the eye
As the blood soaked ground cripples the sound

Fast movement in the distance

Harmony's Invader

Silence engulfs your mind
The sky is empty, nothing to find
This noise you hear is out of sight
But all you do is hold on tight

Glow Through The Fog

My dreams are clouded, shaded by fog
But one light stands strong
The only one that belongs
Inside my head, inside my thoughts

Unthought Purpose

What do I want in life?
Every person asks themselves this question from time to time and the answer, regardless of the context, is always the same.
We want what we can't have.
It's in our nature to fight for what we can never have.

Imperfectly Perfect

Can a name mean everything?
Can it make the shadows leave?
Can it let the gates be opened
And the day be seized?

Gone With The Sands

The sun arises with quick dismay,

A cloud of agony covers the sky.

Catching Night

The air sinks through your grips
Heavy wind, soft glow
The moon illuminates your lips
Beneath your feet the grass blades flow

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