Wandering Scarlet

Wandering Scarlet Poems

Everyone's dream
Everyone wants it
Few people have it
Everyone likes to be around it

It dwells within my spirit, body and mind
devouring my soul and spirit,
it leaves nothing behind

did you say you love me?
did i hear you correctly?

why haven't i noticed before?

The drug of mankind that which numbs the soul to fulfillment and peace
As gas as ethereal as the gods yet is destructive to the earth and trees
It spreads in every form, word of mouth to contact with flesh and disease

I am not the same as the rest,
I am not always accepted or liked,
People look at me as though
I were not human,

My love is free,
But nobody wants it
My love is generous,
But nobody accepts

burns through my flesh
burns through my soul
this black acid
will infest my insides

Down, down, down
There is no end,
It is an elevator that won’t rise,
As it gets hotter,

sit with me
my dear friend
my worst enemy
mix me mix you

not now
this cant be happening to me
its chasing me

she is so afraid,
afraid of pain,
afraid of joy,
she hides behind her walls,

I am happy when I am sad,
I am sorry when I’m glad
I am satisfied when I’m mad
Like a diamond I am unbreakable

I feel angry
I feel sad
I feel sorry
I feel mad


When i am not distracted by life,
the distractions we know as joy, happiness,
distractions from reality,
distractions, from pain, and emptiness.

Death’s hand rips the numbers we so viciously cling
We stare at the dirt wishing we could sing

All shall some day sing of the sky


the lethal autumn breeze
blows like a terrorist
upon the shriveled leaves

the days when liking someone was so simple and meaningless
like someone for no reason, or purpose
you like the way the looked
you liked the way the acted

i hate you
i love my lover
but you both cause me pain
you are always in my face

day in
day out
the sun rises, as the moon falls
just as a new life is brought in

as your breath grows hollow and thin
the hand ticks the circuit of death
awaiting the moment you leave in sin
a life not yet forgiven

Wandering Scarlet Biography

I am just one small child, lost in a world way over is head. my reaction to this large world in which i slowly learn more and more about is my poetry. And so with each poem i express a new experience or discovery of this world creatively, and then pass it to you to discover for yourself)

The Best Poem Of Wandering Scarlet


Everyone's dream
Everyone wants it
Few people have it
Everyone likes to be around it
But nobody sees the truth,
It is the most foolish desire,
We are all beautiful

Wandering Scarlet Comments

Madly In Love 31 March 2007

Rocco is a gifted poet, all of his poems make u feel the same way he is feeling, if u havent read his poems then ur missing out on some good stuff

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