Victoria Davis

Victoria Davis Poems

As the bulbs of spring do wait alone, in darkness;
Tiny possibilities, curled against the cold;
For touch of warmth, reminder of Spring's faithfulness,
So do I wait, for the Sun's touch of tender gold.

Outside my kitchen window a grackle sings.
His song is not a pretty one -
And 'grackle' an unfortunate name
for a love bird.

Guard your heart, my Love
for we have wiles.
We appear gentle lambs
with dewy eyes -

Not with libations but with shouts and laughter
I found you, my sister, at Muse's altar,
Calling blessings to me as pen did falter
And passion to write softened. I sought after

It takes my breath -
your hands tangled in my hair,
the salt taste of your skin,
in candle light and clean sheets.

I should have been awake
not dreaming.
They warn, 'if it is too good to be true...'
But is that not the definition of love?

Love calls each two to be one
in a language older than words -
a voice that speaks to the soul.
The listeners learn -

Sharing a sampler of Love's fruit,
Junes and moons and stolen kisses
We know grand passion and deal in high romance
High drama, Armageddon of the heart.

Pressed of two vineyards - fine grapes all;
After years in darkness, aging in the best oak,
letting flavours mellow, intoxicants build -
now in a crystal goblet stands the wine of our lives -

If you love me
bring me the moon.
Wait for it in the trees
at the far end of the yard,

Tasting life
But remaining hungry,
I turn and find you again.

What comfort to be pen and cob
who make their quiet bond,
and know they are never alone!
Not alone in the journeys of spring and fall,

One desire rolls down the mountain
with the storm winds as they rise;
crashing against the house
driving the rain, calling down lightning

There is a place beyond poetry;
A time when words
are inadequate messengers -
poor tools - unequal to the task.

I will love you until the March 31,1956 episode
of 'I Love Lucy' reaches the star V12,
in galaxy NGC4203
and echoes out into the blackness beyond.

Although I wait, my body silent, still;
I cannot call it patience that I feel -
A still body belies an active will,
And hopeful anticipation my real

The Moon will pardon.
I stole but two stars
from his celestial inventory
so my eyes might capture my love

Closed tight as my umbrella,
I move through the crowded train station
and out onto the busy campus
under cloud-darkened skies.

Love endures all things.
A brown mouse bears witness
that there is no such thing as 'over.'
What began in the light of a fluorescent moon

The Best Poem Of Victoria Davis

As The Bulbs Of Spring Do Wait

As the bulbs of spring do wait alone, in darkness;
Tiny possibilities, curled against the cold;
For touch of warmth, reminder of Spring's faithfulness,
So do I wait, for the Sun's touch of tender gold.
Ah, for a single touch, to warm the heart, to loose
from cold imprisonment each root and leaf and bloom!
Caress of light, come! From each tender shoot educe
the waiting blossoms, heady with Love's sweet perfume.
Do this, fair Sun - extend your hand but once in love
And I am yours in limb and leaf and soul and flower -
'Til, with the life of Summer gone, at last you move
To Autumn's sky, and I succumb to Winter's pow'r.
Even as leaves fade and dry and burn, we will not grieve;
Alone in darkness I will wait, again your love receive.

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