Bri Edwards Sometimes Poems

While filling a water barrel from which our hogs can imbibe,
I witnessed a scene &, for you, I'll try now, 'it', to describe.
A young sow (not a cow) was approached from her cute rear..
by a bold, hulking boar (male hog) , but the sow showed no fear.

"Happy New Year! " to those of you who celebrate such pagan rituals.
I'll celebrate them WITH you, but only if they include yummy victuals**.
Santa Claus brought me a new set of Typing Fingers; do you believe THAT?
If you do, you may also believe that under Santa's coat is muscle, NO fat!

I have been spending time in PH's ' Members' area, sampling...........the poets there.
And I've found a surprisingly-large number of fine poems, though SOME are....just "fair".
Since February's ‘short' and time on my mate's computer is truly, .... unfortunately, FINITE,
I'll start today to put this ‘show' together.I hope you'll find some....poems are ‘dynamite'!

Number ONE:

Eroticism: A Limerick …. [about Eroticism; VERY SHORT; well, it IS a LIMERICK! ]

It Isn't Ink

It isn't ink I spilt in Liz's sink.
It's pink in Liz's sink. It's pink! !

Now in our sixties, my wife and I sometimes have a travel buddy,
especially on those days which may turn out wet and muddy.
But I remember a few times my wife had Ella with her on sunny days.
There's something about Ella which makes my wife feel protected in some ways.

February's showcase is "put to bed", aka finished, for your reading enjoyment.
Now I'll start gathering poems for March.It shall be my next poetic employment.

I am starting one whole month ahead as my computer time may be curtailed ….

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