RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Technology's Torch

Visions dancing through this mind, giving concepts for
innate ideas that continually pop into mind.

Ingenuity and purpose enlivens the light lit from with-

Modern Technolgy's Torch

Visions dancing through this mind, giving concepts for
innate ideas that continually pop into mind, ingenuity
and purpose enlivening light lit from within this being.

Growing Responsible

Insinuating concepts of life in steps of growing into
adulthood, taking on characteristics of maturity.

Evening out edges of adolescence throughout teenage

Timely Certainty

Lively and expectant, listening to beautiful chords
of life, being energized by sounds issued forth.

Mind wandering into distant desert plains, watching

Beyond Human Nature

Drumming into the essence of every fiber and particle
of an innate mind-set, traveling and loving every mile
gone through, seeing the diversity throughout America.

Capturing A Blossoming Insight

Wisdom growing interiorly, just by experiencing life
and it's diversity.

Capturing blossoming insight of everything in concepts

New Mathematical Ideas

Regulating irregular thoughts as they beat against
chords of life, adjusting lightening strikes,
giving them other universes to light up electrically
novel ideas.

Perfect Delicate Balance

Worshipping each in his own way, finding God in unique
and positive avenues throughout life.

Introspection, contemplation, both being used to identify

No Longer Intimidated

Devastating odds are challenging us on a daily basis
throughout the world.

Everyone feeling anger growing because of terrorism

Professing Individual Purity

Following spirits through an evening twilight, gaining
spirituality and insight into heavenly things and those
that pertain to aspects of holiness.

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