Qistina Zaini

Qistina Zaini Poems


Friendship is love,
Without friendship love means nothing!

M- my beautiful Malaysia, you make me proud.., when all my friends ask me where i live and i said ‘malaysia’, Malaysia is my country!
A- and everytime i talk about you, i feel free..., free to love, free to talk and free to breath.

Think again and come to me!
Do you think i'm wasting my love for give it to you?

Every time “I” see people…,
“I” feel great! “I” feel happy!
“I” feel happy to be with them!
“I” can see many people with many difference characters!

aku seketika...

menanti cahaya itu,


Manusia kau sering terlupa
Telupa akan erti hidup mu

Beda antara kita...
hanya kita tahu,
kekuatan kita
kelemahan kita



Aku mencari aku


kelunyaku untuk bicara
dihadapan mereka,
aku tak bisa

Amirul Khirana

Amirul khirana,
wajahmu bersih ibarat kain putih

A friend that can’t see,
I can’t see you,
Why…I can feel you?


Sendirian aku termenung
Mengenang dia yang tak termiliki

Dia cahaya dewaku..
Cahaya Hidupku..
Cahaya Jiwaku..
Menyinari aku..

Dalam kekerasan hati aku lihat ada kelembutan
yang tak pernah dapat terungkai
Dalam pedasnya kata-kata aku lihat kasih sayang yang
tak pernah dapatku mengerti


Kamu, berbisik dalam hati
Kamu, memanggil dalam fikiran
Untuk apa…



In magic,
I found love…

Dia matahariku,
Dia cahaya itu…

Please God!
Don’t take him

What is the most important...?
Love or age,
Is that wrong if “I” am in love with a man,
Who is 40 years older than “I” am?

For some people…, wind is just a normal phenomenon!
However, for people who knows …, wind is more than that!
It is magic…!
It teaches us!

Qistina Zaini Biography

Hi I'm Qistina zaini,18 years old... love books, love harry potter, love friends!)

The Best Poem Of Qistina Zaini



Friendship is love,
Without friendship love means nothing!
Without friendship love is empty…
Without friendship love is boring...!

Friendship means sharing…
People learn to share from friendship,
Share everything they have in life,

Friendship is like stars,
Even though we always see them together
Always mean to each other…
Sometimes they argue!

Friendship is like flower,
Soft but strong!
Friendship is like sun,
Bright and beautiful!

Friendship is everything in life,
Life without friendship is like life without air…
Life without friendship is like eats without food
Life without friendship is like body without soul…

Friendship is wide!
Anybody can be our friend,
Our parents, our grandparents, our sister, our brother and even our school principal!

Is everything!

Qistina Zaini Comments

Fitri Wachdah 13 June 2008

hei b Qisti..............Lam kenal dari aku Fitri B Qisti ku minta analisis dari puisi b yang tentang friendship pliZzzz............y ba please send me your answer abot my question yes help me... ok thank's

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