You Watch Over Me Poem by George Semper

You Watch Over Me

Rating: 5.0

So I go in thought, my day invigorated from the adventure of my dreams, your protection through the night and a smile, the enrichment from your heart.
I have trekked alone in my thoughts, ventured into a world that awakens me, in my sleep. I am provided adventures through my experiences, thoughts and desires. Each night I venture into this world of imagination, temptation, inception and fears. Alone I face my night's window and do battle as I pray dearly to be protected by my God.

Alone, no you watch over me, twisting in battles, tossing between adventures and sometimes shivering while facing fears. You see me calm in the stillness of the night, smiling while my spirit is in flight and perhaps excited as awaken to your delight.

And then a "Smile" the sunshine that rescues you in the morning. Your smile is an image that greets me from a time of existence where only I and my most personal thoughts and dreams have been explored. A smile is a moment awaiting your return back to the human presence, the life on earth and your ability to express your emotions of love for one another, a pathway from your heart… shown through your smile.

George Semper

George Semper

New York City
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