Write A Poem About Yourself! Poem by Denis Martindale

Write A Poem About Yourself!

Write a poem about yourself… the person that is you…
Why leave your words upon the shelf? Try poemhunter, too…
Register there, upload your text… with free pic underneath…
And pretty soon, no more perplexed… words wise beyond belief…

Collections start with just one verse… free e-books then to share…
If you in poetry immerse… if you take time to care…
So are you tall or are you short? Tell us if young or old…
Do you like all that you were taught? Are you as good as gold?

Are you a meanie now and then… a naughty so-and-so?
Or one who gets ten out of ten… because of all you know?
And were there times you fell in love? Be careful what you write!
Just share what proves to say enough… and try to stay polite!

Folks like to read such poems out… so try to keep things clean…
Decide things best to write about… if you know what I mean…
Yes, have a go… and start today! Inspired by my verse…
Write better, if you can, O.K.? No point in doing worse…

Denis Martindale October 2019.

Write A Poem About Yourself!
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: beautiful,poetry,writing
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