Worried About Getting Married Poem by Randy McClave

Worried About Getting Married

When her mother got married she wore a white gown
And not to be known, she got married in another town,
Now her daughter is getting married, but she will be wearing a dress
As she is pregnant and confused, and also depressed.
She thinks to herself will this marriage of hers really truly last
When her mother and father were married, it went by really fast,
Then her mother married again and again which all ended in divorce
Now, her mother lived with one man after another, which was her course.
Her mother blamed her divorces upon her very own mother
As she as well divorced her father, and lived with one man after another,
Will she too divorce one day and start moving in with different men
Will she be like her mother, and grandmother divorcing again and again.
The daughter sees her mother as the mother that she has became
As she sees her own mother walking in pity, and also in her shame
Like her mother she is now getting married, but only as a remnant
So, she will be getting married wearing a dress and also being pregnant.
She remembers her mothers marriages and the men that she lived with
But, for her to become like her mother, is just a childhood myth
Now she thinks how the women in her family always blames the man
Maybe they think it is their righteous belief, or maybe just an escape plan.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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