With Their Vital Signs More Icelandic At Heart Poem by Mark Heathcote

With Their Vital Signs More Icelandic At Heart

With their vital signs more Icelandic at heart
Whooper swans are headed-for the west coast of Ireland
Where a handful of lucky folks locals
Watches their arrival yearly, jubilant.
Such beauty is transformative
Like Icelandic music, the place they-normally lives.
Their homeland I would also love to one day visit.
Simply put I too like Icelandic music;
How it eerily reflects its landscape,
Somehow alien yet always commonplace as a heartbeat
Or the arrival of a whopper swan that has crossed an ocean
With a bill more yellow than black.

Whooper swans they aren't a bit musically blessed
But I love Icelandic music; bands like Seabear,
Male vocalists such as Kaleo,
Singing - Way down we go
I love voices like Sóley and Björk, how they've
Got these empathetic dreamy-voices like
A haunted house with angel-birds echoing words-divine.
I love Icelandic music; it's a gift they've given the world.
Volcanic eruptions that-are carved out of ice and fire,
Snow and ice, ice and stone, like them Viking fords.
Music that's got harmonic-riffs a real sense of identity,
Like whooper swans serenading somewhat noisily home.

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