Where Road's Diverge Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

Where Road's Diverge

In a world where roads diverge,
Choices whisper, secrets surge.
Paths unfurl, uncertain, wide,
Guiding footsteps, side by side.

A fork unveiled, a moment's plea,
A crossroads laced with mystery.
Do I venture left or right?
Which direction claims the light?

The first path gleams with golden hue,
Familiarity in its view.
Well-trodden steps, a beaten trail,
Promising comfort, without fail.

The second path, a whispered breeze,
Whispering tales of untold seas.
Uncharted territories abound,
Adventure's call, a haunting sound.

A choice that holds both hope and fears,
Embarking on uncharted frontiers.
A leap of faith, a daring leap,
For where new paths unfold, dreams keep.

Yet, nostalgia tugs with gentle force,
Nudging me back to the familiar course.
To chase my dreams or play it safe,
The battle rages, heart to faith.

The forked road calls with resolute might,
A tapestry woven with depth and light.
Each path unique, a story to weave,
Where passion thrives, and fears recede.

I close my eyes, I search my soul,
Listening to whispers, becoming whole.
For in the end, it's not the road we choose,
But the lessons learned, the life we infuse.

So I take a breath, I forge ahead,
Along the path where dreams are spread.
Where roads diverge, I'll find my way,
Guided by hope, day by day.

For in this dance of choices made,
I'll learn, grow, and never fade.
And when I reach the final bend,
I'll know I've lived, not just pretend.

Where roads diverge, I'll find my song,
With every step, I'll sing along.
Embracing the journey, come what may,
For where roads diverge, I'll find my way.

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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