What Does Seeing A Raven Mean Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

What Does Seeing A Raven Mean

In midnight's grasp, a raven took flight,
Its ebony wings adorned with sorrow's might,
Through veils of darkness, it soared alone,
A haunting presence, to worlds unknown.

Its onyx feathers whispered tales of woe,
Echoing through the night, a mournful show,
With piercing eyes, a gaze that could pierce the soul,
It sought solace in the shadows' endless scroll.

Its mournful cry, a dirge of the heart,
Unveiled secrets, tearing worlds apart,
A harbinger of darkness, it perched on high,
An omen of doom, with a mournful sigh.

The raven's caw echoed in the moon's embrace,
Unfolding mysteries with each somber chase,
Its wings, a shroud, concealed the night's lore,
A creature of darkness, forevermore.

Yet, amidst the shadows, a glimmer of light,
A flicker of hope, a chance to set things right,
The Raven danced on the edge of despair,
A symbol of resilience, in the midnight air.

So, let it fly, with its tales untold,
A guardian of secrets, a sight to behold,
For within its ebony guise, hope remains,
The Raven's journey, a testament to change.

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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