What Children Learn Poem by Randy McClave

What Children Learn

"To Kill A Mockingbird"
That book should never be read or heard,
That book should be banned
It should never be in any students hand.
And for, "Charlotte's web"
That spider should be forgotten and dead,
What can we learn from an insect
They just infect.
And then for the book, "Catch 22"
Let's scream and shout and then sue,
It talks about a war
On a distant and on a foreign shore.
And then for, "Fahrenheit 451"
Let's turn the fire hoses on,
It too talks about books being destroyed
That book we should also avoid.
And for the book, "Beloved"
In a pit it should also be shoved,
It talks about murder and slavery
And not about our white forefathers bravery.
"I Know What The Caged Bird Sings"
It's full of awful and nasty things,
It talks about racism and bigotry and about a controlling fist
And how a black woman answers to prejudice.
And for, "The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn"
In a pit that book should also be a tossed in,
A white boy swears and cusses and drinks and he's a fool
And his friend is a black man and he doesn't go to school.
And for the, "Catcher In The Rye"
It gives people like me a black eye,
It talks about innocence, identity, sex, and depression
That should only be heard in a churches confession.

We are being told what we can or cannot read
And then being led and told what to do and what to heed,
We are not being asked to inject any medicine in our vein
But, we are being injected controlling thoughts and beliefs in our brain.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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