What An Adviser Poem by Cookie Matzii

What An Adviser

Those first days I can recall,
were quite boring.. dull.
Everyday was the same,
everyone was like 'null'.

Everyone was nonchalant,
groups stood aside.
We were always greeted with sermons,
and rules we can't abide.

Day by day,
new problems arose.
Cold wars in the making,
and each with a boast.

Everything became chaotic,
strifes within the class.
All hard-headed,
nothing in mind but to pass.

So you conducted sermons,
which were supposed to settle.
Some just shrugged it off,
creating themselves an own battle.

You thought your hardest,
deviced a plan.
Bind us together,
'cause we were your clan.

Did your best,
which sometimes wasn't enough.
So you were forced,
to us, be tough.

You gave us intimidating looks,
and harsh lines.
So we decided to work things out,
we knew this was a sign.

We worked our way through,
building new bonds.
Every step we made, you were there,
treating us like daughters and sons.

And after a few months,
we did good, swell.
More sermons,
you didn't have to tell.

I've learned to love my classmates,
and it's quite real.
I became quite considerate
of what another feels.

But now another school year
came to an end.
I became quite emotional,
no need to pretend.

So I thank you, our dear adviser,
for everything you've done.
You became our father figure,
we're thankful for the Great One.

There might've been a lot of times,
good and bad.
But you were always there for us
just like a real dad.

You stood up for us,
helped us recognize our rights.
But also taught us discipline,
and to lessen our fights.

Taught the value of tough love,
to bind us together.
You never stopped correcting us,
'til we cared for one another.

And so it's because of you,
we changed for the better.. tons and tons.
And you also helped us,
become a family, one.

We've learned a lot this year.
Things we had the chance to mend.
But like the famous cliche goes,
sadly, 'All good things must come to an end.'

Dedicated to: Sir Francis Gilbert B. Belen :)
(though you think we don't like you, I hope this would make you realize otherwise. we've grown to love you, thank you.)

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