We Live In Consonance Poem by Vaibhav Simha

We Live In Consonance

Rating: 4.3

I found myself no longer living,
But my heart was still beating.
My conscience has left me; my toil is lost,
And now in some paradise, I'm shielded from frost.

Amidst a wood of hallowed vitality,
Where birds chirped and sweetened the posterity.
In patches did sunlight creep to the ground,
And there was everything but the melancholic sound.

Was there a lake scintillating and rippling,
For in dependence it has found, the wind as its sibling.
In its water, the convoys of fishes did drown in gratitude,
But did also fail to see the exuberance they have brought in multitude.

Herein the mountains stretched far and wide,
But they did bring forth rain- unbound be nature's pride!
And in harmony with the sun, the droplets begat the rainbow,
Which augmented the beauty of the archipelago.

But as I was so close in achieving the lesson,
My dream collapsed and back in reality I was, brimming with depression.
This was no world I had parted with, for not in harmony was the populace,
For they have forgotten the heart of life - which is mutual consonance.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: truth,wisdom
The use of "in dependence" separately in the third paragraph is intentional, and is meant to refer to the "dependent nature of the rippling lake on the wind". Another small correction: the "-" in the second line of the fourth stanza is an em-dash (or em-rule)and not a hyphen. (this stands true to the last line of the poem, too.)

The poem, at least in my mind, displays the concept of consonance and interdependence (coordination and agreement between various forces) , and how this mutual consonance is responsible for the begetting of a myriad cluster of amazing prodigies. The examples to support the statement include: -

1. The scene in the woods, where the forest provides vitality to all beings, especially birds (since they are mentioned) . These birds, through their chirping, "sweetens" (harmonizes)the posterity of beings living in the forest. The sunlight plays the most vital role in the scene, since its presence is the cause of the forest's growth in the first place. This contrast in the working mechanisms of disparate organisms or entities is quite large when looked at individually but are indeed interconnected and dauntingly consonant when taken as a whole.

2. The relationship between lake, fishes and wind is another prime example of this coordination. Lake ripples and houses different fishes, the lake being dependent on the wind for the rippling. Whereas, the fishes provide jovial fun and exuberance to the rippling but calm waters.

3. The mountain range (which is close to or on an archipelago; don't ask me where such marvels exist - remember, this is supposedly a dream of the narrator)takes up space, due to its stretched and vast form. But it causes the rain to shed (orographic rainfall) , which produces a rainbow that beautifies the archipelago.

= An important observation must be noted that the poem does not leave out the origin or plinth of life: the five elements; out of which, three are mentioned. You can notice that in the second stanza, the sunlight is not really getting benefited in the process, especially when it is the cause of the formation of the forest, which provides life to every organism. In the third stanza, the wind produces ripples but is not rewarded in any way. And same holds true for the ground or earth, which supports the mountain range that causes rain.

This specific detail of the poem must not be missed, because it shows how sacrificing (working)oneself for the cause of another can produce wonderful results. Therefore, one must not remain selfish and refrain from helping others, as only God knows what miracles (not exactly like the ones described in the poem)could be born from such simple acts of kindness.

Finally, the last stanza is the depiction of the depressing state our world is in, which is not really described much in detail, but you get the idea, since you're living on this planet.
Bonaventure Onuabuchi 13 April 2019

This is quite touching and amazing When vision, dreams, and trance present us with a pleasant life than what we have at hand. I do relate to this practically. Nice job

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Valsa George 09 May 2020

This poem in the mode of a dream takes us to a forest where birds and trees live in perfect consonance or harmony, where there are no melancholic notes. Being a dream, the scene shifts to a collection of water, a lake where fishes gambol merrily! But the dream vanishes and the narrator is brought back to a world of reality where he sees no consonance as earlier beheld in his dream. Very beautifully presented!

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Bri Edwards 02 May 2019

3 - rhyming is what i almost always do in my poems and it comes easily to me. you rhyme pretty well, but you may make yourself more understood (to me anyway) if you don't always rhyme. strive for understanding. if rhyming fits, use it. This is enough to say for this one poem. Bri :) NOW …...read one of my poems and leave a comment on it! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Bri Edwards 02 May 2019

2 - consonance: " noun agreement or compatibility between opinions or actions." (the main definition i found) i feel using " mutual" in front of " consonance" is not needed and may at times be redundant. maybe use " human consonance" ? ? ? i don't know what " achieving the lesson" means. do you mean " learning" the lesson? and what lesson do you refer to?

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Bri Edwards 02 May 2019

1 - i came back to look for poet's notes you said you added. i see none. use of " posterity" ? ? " noun all future generations of people. " the victims' names are recorded for posterity" synonyms: future generations, succeeding generations, those who come after us; the future " the names of those who died are recorded for posterity on a framed scroll" ARCHAIC the descendants of a person.

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Bri Edwards 30 April 2019

my favorite line: " In patches did sunlight creep to the ground, " i read the poem and plan to return another day to comment more. the effort to rhyme is obvious. do you write poetry in another language? ? bri :)

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