Too Stupid Even To Learn From The Mistakes Of Your Own White And Barbaric History! Poem by Professor Dr. Stanley Collymore

Too Stupid Even To Learn From The Mistakes Of Your Own White And Barbaric History!

By Stanley Collymore

The premeditated and quite ruthlessly
enforced slavery of several millions
of thoroughly hapless African men,
women, young children and even
babies; the customarily unmistakable
and, distinctively, unique barbarism
endemic of white Caucasian men
and women, which among other
heinous and obviously ungodly
crimes morphed into the most
iniquitous and open barbaric
introduction and thereafter,
the murderous and wilfully
dehumanizing imposition
of the characteristic and
particular embodiment
of the repugnant and,
also equally globally
recognized and as
well approbatorily
regarded as the
quite villainous
Slave Trade -

whose odious inception ignobly
at the hands of white Iberian
Sephardic Jews summarily
kicked out of Brazil and afterwards
refused sanctuary by every other
regional country, and the wider
so-called New World that did
deliberately and collectively
block their entry, and also
in addition refused them
assistance of any kind,
as the refugees which
they were; with only
Barbados: bucking
this resolute, with
its categorically
emphatic and discernibly
non-humanitarian turn,
rather unconditionally
and most humanely
letting these same
Jewish refugees
and their Dutch
supporters in.

Only for these odiously treacherous and
manifestly ungrateful fiends - when the
sugar cane plants which they'd taken
with them, in their exile from Brazil,
proved ideally appropriate for the
Barbadian environment and, as
well, helped enormously in the
massive and highly profitable
transformation of the already
highly prosperous economy
that Barbados clearly was;
and specifically too, as was constantly
and very uppermost in their grasping
minds, attaining even much greater
economical rewards and leverage
privately to petition, albeit rather
unsuccessfully as it happened,
the self-governing parliament
of Barbados to let them with
the avid assistance of their
Middle Eastern and log-
standing, Arab friends,

whose physical knowledge and basic
awareness of the African continent
and several of its sub-Saharan
countries and communities
exceeded by far that of
any European man or
woman, to organize and fully
implement what would after-
wards heinously become
the involuntary removal
and unpaid for labour:
slavery in actuality,
of those millions
of abducted Africans taken
from their countries and
involuntarily shipped
to Barbados, there
to ameliorate the
shortfall or the
casualties of
working in
the sugar

Having, accordingly, absolutely as well
as dismally fail to convince Barbados'
autonomous government to accept,
far less so endorse their repulsive,
self-serving and, unmistakeably,
financial plans, these basically
narcissistic and quite money-
fixated, Sephardic Iberians
completely miffed by their
cursory rejection, turned
their narcissistic intent
speedily to the much
more amenable for
them: the London
based and aptly
named, House
of Commons -

there was no United Kingdom then -
and thus graphically and suitably
enticingly, spelling out to these
barefacedly corrupt, obviously
undemocratic and clearly likeminded
white MPs the enormous profits to
be quickly and effortlessly made
with no fuss by the ambitiously
far-sighted among them; the
English aristocracy; equally
the privileged elite among
the Church of England's
diehard sanctimonious
oligarchy - and hugely
appreciable, also the
country's monarchy
and acquiescently
avaricious family;
nothing it seems
has changed attitudinally since
then - from the proffered plan
to introduce wide-scale and
involuntary African slavery
on the sugar plantations
of Barbados was fully
welcomed and also
sanctioned in law
by an approving
English House
of Commons.

(C)Stanley V. Collymore
17 May 2020.

Author's Remarks:
This poem was obviously inspired by three distinct issues, which although at first may seemingly appear to be unrelated I none the less do feel they aren't as unconnected as one might casually assume. The first of these is Brexit with its idiotic and so pathetically held imperialistic, within the 21st Century, delusions by people whose manifest lack of intellectual acumen, their marked inability to think for themselves and who evidently relish nothing better than having others do this for them, plus acquiring a rather fixatedly, discernible attention-seeking penchant to sickeningly and fervidly brownnose their endemically perceived hereditary and social betters, questionably raises a number of conundrums as to whether they do actually qualify, in any way whatsoever, to be logically labelled as human beings.

The second distinct issue is the so-called Covid-19 virus that's being systematically and most brazenly used to create the worst aspects of a Nazi-Fascist-cum-Police State, and the kinds of diktats beloved of by the aforementioned Brexiteers and as well their likeminded, dim-witted ilk. Too obtuse, of course, to recognize far less so ever have the capacity to recognize that Covid-19 is in reality the customary western laboratories' resurgence from its enforced slumber of the South African apartheid, designed to kill only Blacks virus, which scientists and molecular biologists, from the several and closely collaborating with their SA apartheid counterparts very diligently worked on, during South Africa's apartheid-epoch and post the latter's demise was conveniently held in abeyance, until the right conditions re-emerged across the white west generally, and enabling this deliberately created virus: SA apartheid Mark I to re-emerge as the Mark II version itself; and, as such, now wheeled out as a "Covid-19 pandemic" and therefore employed in all of its vengeance globally.

And across the entirety of the white-run west which includes the USA and its ever willing "disco-type bouncer" stooge Britain, with Nazi, fascist and right-wing regimes evidently either in place or the ascendancy and crazily, amply supported by their supposed political opposition parties, the time is fittingly perceived by these obviously wannabe, white-privileged despots and idiotically brain-dead tyrants on both sides of the Atlantic, to sinisterly roll out the SA apartheid virus now labelled as Covid-19 or the Coronavirus - so take your pick!

During the British - but mainly the English prior to the formation of the UK - participation in the patently barbaric, Transatlantic Slave Trade: the other major contributors in association with England and then the UK being Portugal, Spain, France, Holland, Denmark and Sweden, that lasted for over a half of a millennium, in excess of 50 Million Africans were brutally kidnapped from their African homes and countries, enforcedly taken from Africa and shipped in the most deplorable conditions to Barbados and the other Caribbean islands mainly but also what became North America as well as the rest of the so-called New World.

However, in the routine process of this happening some 14 millions of these enslaved Africans lost their lives on the journey; many of them ruthlessly thrown overboard so that the slave ships they were inhumanly penned in could more easily outpace pirate ships or competitors keen to teal their human cargo, or simply outrun a threatening hurricane. So utterly devastating was this customary state of affairs that it was contemporaneously and widely recorded that the predatory sharks of the Atlantic Ocean dramatically changed their pattern of hunting and feeding; and accordingly rapidly, prodigiously and uninterruptedly commenced following these slave ships from the waters off Africa's coastline to those of the Caribbean islands, knowing full well that they would always be guaranteed an excellent and bounteous meal.

As the purported but all the same legally regarded properties of their white enslavers, from their debut Blacks were determinedly and most premeditatedly dehumanized by those who allegedly owned them. Black women and girls of any age were constantly raped and otherwise sexually abused in the certain knowledge by their white sexual abusers and rapists that these unfortunate victims had no recourse, whatsoever, to the law against those who'd asexually abused and raped them; and accounts for the irrefutable fact that everyone of us of Afro-Caribbean and African-American ancestry mainly still to this day in the 21st Century do involuntarily carry in our genetic DNA system the white male Y Chromosome.

And adding gross insult to physical as well as deep and psychological injuries there were even white and discernibly corrupt medical doctors and scientists - some of them publishing books and papers to this effect - publicly and categorically stating that no Black female of any age could possibly be raped because Black female vaginas were essentially physically different in composition and function from those of white women, determining as a result that all Black females were constantly in oestrus - or heat - and, as such, regularly in dire need of sexual intercourse, which if these Black females didn't have would literally drive them insane. So in the natural and understandable order of things and the genuine interest of these white men and women who "owned" these Black females, these whites were only protecting their black human properties or Black chattels. Since not to do so would be a gross dereliction of duty and care on these white "owners" parts. Thus giving carte blanche to white sexual abusers and rapists: whether males or lesbians, to act with impunity where Black females were concerned.

White men, and particularly those obsessed with their deluded notions of white privilege, have always and still are misogynistic bullies, even to the white women they married and who themselves, as the effete, vapid and distinctly compliant broodmares that they were then and still largely are in the 21st Century- why don't you have a word or two with Kate Middleton and the rest of them if as a rarity you're not one of them yourselves? - happily and uncomplainingly provided these self-absorbed and pretentiously patronizing but workshy and narcissistic white men like William Windsor with their heirs and spares, while behind closed doors, since love was never a realistic factor in such white man and women's convenient marital arrangements, just customarily as their hereditary and plebeian-perceived, societally-elite betters and predecessors did, simply carry on doing their own invariably unsavoury, sexually licentious, bed-hopping - serial adulterous heterosexual, Queer, Dyke and paedophile - with consummate impunity. While having a good laugh at all you idiots who instinctively and in the most sickeningly grovelling fashion unwarrantedly put them all up on undeserving pedestals!

Therefore, the wilful mistreatment of Black women on the slave plantations as was routinely done to them was very much in character with the conduct of these abhorrent white creatures, as they similarly had no genuine respect for white women either although not to the same degree as Black females, who like Black men were instinctively despised; but unlike Black men who were completely emasculated and who these whites overall feared, white men and women had no fear of Black women. A state of affairs that still persist to this day. Therefore, Black men per se had not only, in these sick and twisted white minds, to be humiliated and barbarically brutalized both physically and mentally, they likewise had to be completely emasculated. And to be perfectly honest with you, these white barbarians did a pretty good job of generally realizing that objective of theirs.

But rather grossly and also quite contemptuously underestimating the intelligence, capabilities and acute common-sense of Black women these ludicrously superiority-fixated white men and women, and supposed then as now, in their sick and twisted minds, these professed superior members of the human race, most ironically didn't have the rudimentary common sense let alone the basic intelligence to discern for less so protect their Achilles heel. A situation that these Black women collectively, assiduously, clandestinely, efficiently and expertly thoroughly exploited. Their purpose? To redeem themselves and save their Black race.

And so began the Black-Empowerment Movement with the highly commendable and immortal likes of HARRIET TUBMAN; superbly, most supportively and, as well it must be said, is gloriously carried on with consummate pride and vigour by Black female contemporaries like MEGHAN MARKLE! So, please, eat your hearts out: all you pathetically, disastrously dim-witted, obviously and commensurately intellectually challenged, endemically and idiotically fawning, grotesquely social climbing, transparently workshy; comparatively very easily persuaded and readily convinced, to be comprehensively useless but nevertheless suitably, decoratively effete, vapid, broodmare females- quite in line with maintaining entrenched hereditary and social-elitism so-called protocols of behaviour at odds with those of the 21st Century, and invariably fat and ugly (you manipulated and especially female plebeian cretins who are some of the worst offenders)and your likeminded male racist morons. Significant numbers of whom among you don't even know, and are highly unlikely ever to ever do so, who your biological fathers are - or more fittingly so sperm ejaculators - were or are; and similarly so neither do your useless and sexually facilitating mothers. Plenty to deal with I would have thought on your personal level rather than being so obsessively-fixated with MEGHAN MARKLE!

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