To Follow Where All The Stars Go Poem by Mark Heathcote

To Follow Where All The Stars Go

I will dance in the wild heather.
And lay on a bed of purple thyme.
To follow where all the stars go

I will track the mountain roe deer.
On their hard, perilous climb
To follow where all the stars go

I will row across Loch Lomond.
And walk barefoot on that far distant shore.
To follow where all the stars go

I will run far and wide and beyond.
Any place or habitation I call home, liberty—footsore
To follow where all the stars go

I'd go snowblind to see and hear a nightingale vocalize.
And too, once again, gaze into your lovely eyes.
With a heart as buoyant as angelic butterflies.

I would walk through a forest blindfolded and hypothesise.
When a snowflake falls and multiplies
To follow you and where all the stars go.

To nap in your arms, safe and warm
Till sleep like chloroform comes to me
Telling me it's time to go.

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