This Man Is On His Way Poem by Mark Heathcote

This Man Is On His Way

This man doesn't need honey or jam
or syrup from a can.
This man doesn't need a thankless job
or a till register to rob.
This man doesn't need a loveless marriage
he's got big ideas and plenty of courage.
This man knows his ultimate true calling
and isn't afraid of leaping and falling.
This man is on his way; he's a sure success
if he knows just what it takes and what to re-address
this man is a star, a Phoenix rising.
He isn't any longer self-loathing
or the least-bit self-despising.
This man is humble, and he's thankful for-all-he's-got
and all the tribulations he was allotted.
This man walks tall beside me; he is my true destiny,
he sits lowly beside me, deputies my future self.
Also, he says he does honestly love me.
This man reminds me to be always thankful
This man is me if I choose him to be
with much improved better health
and a world-of-endless wealth.
This man is me if I just will him to be.

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