The Very Last Time Poem by Denis Martindale

The Very Last Time

Yes, this is the very last time... I'll never love again!
The mountain called 'Love' I'll not climb - it gets nought out of ten!
I won't even grade it as one, nor two or three or four.
I played love's games and they're no fun. In time each proved a chore!
Let others play, as children do. They haven't learnt love's rules.
To them, love's cool, forever new, yet love will prove them fools!
I've found it's got too many ifs. It's got too many buts.
Too many tightropes 'twixt the cliffs! To cross these, you need guts!
I've fallen to the ground below... No angel rescued me!
And with each fall, the heartaches grow. From these, no soul is free.
So I'll let others fall in love. I'll not stand in their way.
I'll view them safely, here, above, just watching, come what may.
Let others pine, let others sigh, let others pay love's price.
I guarantee that each will cry at each one's sacrifice!
But I'll not walk love's tightropes now! I've had too much of love!
No more the lover's worried brow... This amateur's had enough!

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