The Special Qualities Of A Poet! Poem by Denis Martindale

The Special Qualities Of A Poet!

Behold the poet deep within, that awesome little soul,
That tiny light that won't give in, give up or lose control...
That precious beauty, shining bright, amid a stream of stars,
That gracious duty meant to write, that seeks to be first class!

Behold the poet striving still, with truths he must unfold,
Then choosing just a pen or quill, for tales that must be told...
The ink, like blood, flows down till read, right there upon the page,
While he must muse what lies ahead at every single stage...

Behold the poet battling through, determined to the end,
In writing poems just for you, as if his closest friend...
With hopes to please your heart and mind, your future life as well,
No wonder poets bless Mankind, love Heaven and hate Hell!

Yet are they paid in petty cash? Rewarded now and then?
Or poems thrown out with the trash? Despised by manly men?
Do women treat them with disdain? Do fellow poets frown?
Yet still I write, while hopes remain, they shall not drag me down!

I'm just a man, a poet, too, a God-blessed child of grace,
A man must do what he must do, so poems must take place...
And if the only place is mine, I'm blessed beyond compare!
But if some hate my rhymes, that's fine! I love them all! So, there!

Denis Martindale June 2017.

Sunday, June 25, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry,writing
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