The Narcissist Now Poem by louis rams

The Narcissist Now

The narcissist now

(this is not a political statement - it is my point of view
So if you are looking for an argument you know what you can do }

He was put in a position he knew nothing about and turned
This country inside out.
It will no longer be black against white, but rebel politicians
Who want to fight.
The lobbyist with their bribes of wealth and fame
" have so much to gain ".
We are back on the verge of a civil war where the white
Supremacist know the score.
When you put a person in office who has a sick mind
It makes all his followers become blind.
Can you name any other president who has divided this
Country with bigotry and hate and has had foreign
Countries finance his campaign- just to smear Biden's name.
In a five year span three famous civil rights leaders were
Assassinated with their last names starting with " K"
Kennedy, Kennedy, King.
Is it coincidence that it comes out to ‘ KKK' Ku Klux Klan.
And yet with all that this nation was not divided as it is now.
‘" it is time to put our foot down "
Don't let a Bigot Narcissist destroy our land!
It is time " to take a stand "
© L. RAMS 092720

louis rams

louis rams

new york city
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