The Landscape Of My Heart Poem by Trevor McLeod

The Landscape Of My Heart

I stand still as the wind blows past
kicking up dust clouds
I gaze at what once was
a beautiful lush forest
now a barren wasteland

I used to find peace here
in the cool depths
listening to the babbling brook
as I explored unknown trails

But now this once beautiful land
is barren and dead
the peaceful stream
long gone
I can still see where it ran

Dead trees litter the land scape
where I once sought comfort
under their welcoming branches
now I feel the unbearing heat
from an unforgiving sun

The starved soul under my feet
cracks spread through the parched soul
a little care and this land might come back
but it will take time and love
to heal what damage has been done

Then I feel the ground shake
I see the ground split and fall away
oh such few words
can do so much damage
she will never know
the damage she had inflicted

I feel all this as the words escape her lips
'The reason she agreed to the arranged marriage
was she was afraid of you.
She agreed so she wouldn't have to marry a guy like you.'

Part of me screamed
Your wrong
but another part of me asked
what if she's not

All that remains of my heart
is a barren wind scared land
void of all things beautiful
I do not know if I can heal all the damage that has been done
I am not sure if I want to try

Trevor McLeod

Trevor McLeod

New Mexico
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