The Intimate Control By Political And Totalitarian Strangers! Poem by Professor Dr. Stanley Collymore

The Intimate Control By Political And Totalitarian Strangers!

By Stanley Collymore

Don't believe it! It's a massive lie! There aren't
thousands dying all over Europe of a super
virus. This is mind control on a very epic
scale. They've taken your freedom of
movement and validity to gather. Next to go
will be free speech and what remains of a
risible and basically obsequious media.
Then before you know it, there will
be Identity Cards. And following
hard on the heels of that armed
patrols and rigid road blocks.
But crucially, in all of this,
you will all of you either
have been manoeuvred
and stupidly at worst,
or in your routinely
slavish way at its
best obligingly
sleep walked
into all this.

And all this as a direct result of your
laughably delusional and nostalgic,
if these weren't so dangerously
serious and bloody pathetic,
empire loyalist notions; rampant
xenophobic, figments of your
own sick and twisted white
imaginations and as well
your firmly entrenched,
centuries old ongoing
racism, all of which
are so ludicrously
summarized in your
fantasy enshrined
and hopelessly
hopes for

(C)Stanley V. Collymore
29 March 2020.

Author's Remarks:
James May - a white, supposed British TV star celebrity - ignores the government advice and the law as it currently stands on social distancing and has a cosy pint with his supposedly posh mates on the night of the 26 March 2020 at his local pub and ensures that that the occasion makes the news. The police, however, do nothing about it or him and his chums, and the pub concerned unlike thousands of them across the UK stays open.

However, the police have no problem or lack of manpower in scaling walls that surround a well established and huge house deep in the countryside and well away from everyone else to arrest former Black footballer Nolberto Solano who was having an alleged party with his friends, for supposedly breaking the same laws that James May, his fellow white friends and the landlord of the pub they were in and which is located in an accessible public area, were able to flout the law with consummate impunity.

Meanwhile, the same police hierarchy are encouraging neighbors as well as all and sundry to spy on each other and report on those who "unnecessarily" leave their homes, regardless of their reasons for doing so. And it's not rocket science to work out that thes police snouts wouldn't have the foggiest idea as to why people they don't know are plausibly leaving their homes. And what's stopping these lowlife scumbags because of police bribe money - from forces that keep telling us they're short of financial resources - pure maliciousness,evil, envy or good old fashioned xenophobia and entrenched rcism from acting in response to this immunity licence to act as they do with the permission and cooperation of the police?

Yet this - the UK is the very country that self-righteously and most hypocritically with its past and still ongoing barbaric- but all in delusional denial - record that happily criticized, and still does, the former East Germany Stasi, Russia's KGB and Nazi Germany, for example, entities that have all used the same tactics in the past and as Britain is now doing. Maybe the British police, the overall UK authorities and most of the white British population should all of them take a long hard look at themselves in a full length mirror.

And how about all these white dim-witted, intellectually challenged and lowlife scum, along with their Useful Idiots Asians calling in the Daily Mail and the other right-wing rags' comments sections for martial law to be introduced in Britain when risibly and most pathetically, if it wasn't so bloody serious a matter, these clowns are themselves both individually and collectively unable to properly spell the word MARTIAL correctly. And whatever excuses they or their supporters might come up with, such a huge number of people don't make the same typing error!

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