The Fuehrer: Crime And Hypocrisy Poem by Paul Hartal

The Fuehrer: Crime And Hypocrisy

Adolf Hitler's father, Alois Schicklgruber was
the illegitimate child of Maria Schicklgruber.
World history could have been different if their rather
farcical surname stuck, but it was changed to Hitler
before Adolf was born.

Austrian by birth, Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) emerges
from the amorphous vapors of history as a vain vagabond,
a failed art student rejected by the Vienna Art Academy.
A callous psychopath and a sly conspirator, Hitler became
the brutal leader of a great nation and managed to plunge
the world into a global war in which an estimated total of 70
or 80 million people had died.

His metamorphosis from a Gefreiter, a lance corporal,
serving in the Kaiser's army during the First World War,
into the Dictator of Germany, the Commander-in-Chief
of the armed forces of the Third Reich
giving orders to his generals in World War II, represents
quite a historical anomaly.

Dreaming about a "Thousand-Year-Reich",
Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi Party, rose to power
as Chancellor of Germany in 1933 and soon
assumed unrestricted control as the Fuehrer,
the supreme leader and dictator of the Third Reich.

The balloon of the dream popped in 1945
and the nightmare of the Nazi- Empire,
which brought undescribable suffering to the world,
came to an inglorious end after twelve years
of horrible bloodshed and misery, roads and bridges destroyed
and cities lying in smouldering ruins.

Many underestimated the dangers that the Nazis posed
to human rights and freedom. The political satirist Kurt Tucholsky
ridiculed the Nazis; quipping once that Hitler doesn't exist,
"only the noise that he makes." Unfortunately, the Nazi dictator
proved to be more than a clamorous incubus.

Herr Hitler managed to delude
both the politicians and the masses
through his habitual deception and treachery schemes;
by promising peace and preparing for war.
A cynical and cunning Machiavellist, the Fuehrer
perfected the art of perfidy.He advanced
his goals by offering guarantees and pacts
to the states that he intended to destroy.
He bluntly broke the promises he made
and seldom honored the agreements that he signed.

In a speech he delivered in 1935, Hitler vowed
that Germany does not intend to interfere
in the internal affairs of Austria and does not plan
to append her to the Third Reich through Anschluss.
However, three years later, the fuehrer did annex Austria.

In the notorious Munich agreement of September 1938,
Hitler promised that the annexation of the Sudetenland
in Czechoslovakia would be his last territorial claim in Europe.
Yet, in March 1939 Slovakia seceded as a Nazi satellite
and Hitler triumphantly marched into the Czech capital,
proclaiming from the Prague Castle that Bohemia
and Moravia became a German Protectorate.

Back in 1934, the Nazi dictator signed a non-aggression pact
with Poland.Five years later he withdrew from
the agreement.Then he staged a fake Polish military attack
on a German radio station, which he used as pretext to invade
Poland. On September 1,1939,62 German divisions,
supported by 1300 aircraft, poured across the Polish border.
And so the Second World War began.

One week before the start of the war,
Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact.
But Hitler broke the agreement and on June 22,1941,
Operation Barbarossa began. It deployed the largest
military invasion force in history. About three million soldiers
of the Axis powers attacked the Soviet Red Army, along a nearly
3,000 km long front. The invading Wehrmacht forces deployed
more than 150 divisions and 600.000 motor vehicles including
about 3,800 tanks and4,300 aircraft.

The Fuehrer chiseled his name into history
as a monstrous war criminal and mass murderer.
He ordered his armies to be ruthless and to terrorize
the populations of the occupied territories.

And, indeed, as the German armies advanced through Russia,
they destroyed thousands of villages and towns,
burning the inhabitants alive. Mobile killing squads,
the Einsatzgruppen of SS deployment groups, massacred
Jews and "Bolsheviks" in the Baltic area, in Belarus
and the Ukraine.In one of these dreadful atrocities
that occurred outside of Kiev on 29-30 September,1941,
the SS shot into a ravine at Babiy Yar over 30,000 Jewish
men, women and children.

The great Russian poet Yevgeni Yevtushenko memorialised
the massacre in his poem, Babiy Yar:

"No monument stands over Babiy Yar…
and I myself am
one massive, soundless scream
above the thousand-thousand buried here
I am each old man here shot dead
I am every child here shot dead.
Nothing in me shall ever forget! "

Hitler's countless war crimes and crimes against humanity include
the 1942 atrocity in Lidice near Prague. Here, in reprisal for
the assassination of SS Police Genaral Reinhard Heidrich,
the Nazis killed 173 men of the village, sent 82 children
to their death at Chelmno and deported 184 women
to the Ravenstruck concentration camp.

Another well-documented massacre happened in France
in 1944 at Oradour-sur-Glane, where the Waffen SS
slaughtered 642 civilians-men, women and children.

Hitler's Third Reich imprisoned millions of people
in concentration camps. The treatment of the prisoners
was extremely cruel. Hunger, beatings, torture and executions
were an integral part of the lager experience. Also many
prisoners were subjected to inhuman medical experiments.

The Fuehrer perpetrated the dreadful horrors of the Holocaust.
The genocidal extermination of Jewish men, women and children
was carried out in open air shootings by SS killing squads, by starvation and exhaustion in ghettoes, such as Warsaw and Lodz,
in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and Majdanek and in the death camps of Sobibor, Treblinka, Chelmno and Belzec.

Yet the Shoah (Holocaust) transcends
the colossal Jewish tragedy because it is also a universal tragedy.
Thus, in addition to the six million Jews, among Holocaust martyrs
are thousands of gentiles from France, Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, Holland, Germany as well as othere countries. Moreover, Holocaust victims also include seven million Soviet citizens and prisoners of war, three million ethnic Poles, half million Romani,
thousands of Freemasons, Jehova Witnesses and homosexuals.

The Nazi dictator's crimes involve transgressions against
his own people. In the summer of 1939, for instance,
Hitler signed a note that authorized the murder of disabled
and incurably sick individuals.This forced euthanasia program
was code named"Aktion T4" and took place
between 1939 and 1945. The number of T4 victims
may have reached more than 200,000 children and adults.

Adolf Hitler was a chronic and shameless hypocrite.
In the eyes of the Nazi dictator the people
of the Aryan ‘master race' were blond, blue eyed and tall.
He himself was none of these.

The racist Nuremberg Laws of 1935
made anti-Semitism an intrinsic part
of the official ideology in the Third Reich.
However the Nazis measured crossbreeds,
the ‘mischlinge', with different yardsticks.
After all, did not the Reich Marshal
Hermann Goering say that he decided
who was a Jew?

Mischlinge under National Socialism,
like Luftwaffe Field MarshalErhard Milch
and General Helmut Wilberg,
had been reclassified and declared
as Aryans by Adolf Hitler himself.

The Fuehrer loved music, particularly Wagnerian operas.
He was influenced by the anti-Semitism of Richard Wagner.
However, the Nazi dictator also liked operettas
and one of his favorite musicians
was the Hungarian Jewish composer Emmerich Kalman.
Following the 1938 Anshcluss
Kalman and his family moved from Austria to France.

Yet one day in the spring of 1940
a German general knocked
on the composer's door.
He said that he was a personal emissary
of Hitler and that the German leader
offered Kalman the title of ‘honorary Aryan'.

The composer was a courageous man.
‘Who would guarantee my life
if I go to Germany? ' he asked.
‘I will', replied the general.
‘But who will guarantee yours? '
Kalman said.

Shortly after this
The composer and his family boarded
A ship in Genoa and sailed for America.

Hitler was a baptised Catholic.
in May 1904, at the age of fifteen, he also
receivedthe Sacrament of Confirmation
in the Linz Cathedral. He had never formally
left the Church. History has recorded,
for example, that in 1941 the Fuehrer
affirmed that he is a Catholic and will always
remain so. But he was and remained
a bigoted Catholic.

In reality Hitler used Christianity as part of
a scheme of his cunning Politics aimed at
mustering wide public support for
the National Socialist agenda.

The Fuehrer was not only a vicious
anti-Semite but also an anti-Chrisian fascist,
a Social Darwinist preaching hatred and
violence. He viewed the Christian religion
as the prototype of Bolshevism,
a Jewish instrument for the mobilization
of the masses, with the object of
undermining society.

He encouraged
Nazi leaders, among them Goebbels,
Himmler and Bormann, to conduct
persecutory campaigns against the churches.
Dachau and other concentration camps
in the Third Reich were filled with thousands
of Catholic priests, Protestant pastors and
Jehova's Witnesses.

The Bible represented an insurmountable
problem for the Fuehrer.He could not
pretend of being a Catholic without accepting
the Jewish origins ofthe faith.
After all, one cannot be a Christian without
the Hebrew Bible, ‘The Old Testament'.

The New Testament complicated things
even more because of the Jewishness
of Jesus. The Gospels make it crystal clear
that Jesus was born, lived and diedas a Jew.
In order to overcome this problem, Hitler
resorted to blatant lies.

And thus, contrary to the established facts,
he declared that Jesus was not a Jew.

However, Jesus was a Jew and it was not
a lack of will that the Nazis did not crucify
him again. Had he been alive,
in accordance with the Nuremberg Laws,
hewouldhavewalked with his people
to the gas chambers in Auschwitz.

Hitler lived throughout his life
immersed in hypocrisy till the very end.
Mind you, he considered German soldiers
who committed suicide during battle
as unworthy cowards. According to him,
they lost their honor as German soldiers
fighting for the Fuehrer's cause.

Yet on April 30,1945, as the Soviet Red Army
advanced towards his bunker in Berlin,
Hitler took the cowardly way out:
He put a pistol to his head and blew his brain out.

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