The Feeding Of Their Greed Has Ceased Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

The Feeding Of Their Greed Has Ceased

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Who are they that sit,
With pouting lips...
And balled fists?

'Those who refused to see life as it is.
Those who viewed the truth,
As something that is negative! '

But why are they angered by the revelation of it?

'They see themselves as positive,
And resist to believe...
Their realities have been deceived.

And those who spoke of these times that are here...
They have chosen to resist them too,
In the hopes that showing force...
Will show what is known and true,
Takes another course.
And turn their gray skies blue.'

And all this time they wasted,
Celebrating decadence?
They had no trouble accepting that!

But they can't afford that anymore.
They have been laid off from jobs.
And their doors have been padlocked.
With many of their homes foreclosed.
In other words...
Their values have been diminished?
Egos have been crushed and publicly finished.'

But I thought they represented high standards?
With christian outlooks moralized in religious beliefs.

Only if they can pay to have their smut and gutter ways,
By the price they paid to keep them hidden.
But those days are gone for them! '
They are bittered by the prospects of revealing their sins.'

Now I understand!
They are angry because the cost of hiding their pretensions,
Are now out of their reach?

That's what this is all about!
If any of this was about God...
None of there 'displeasures' would have existed,
In the first place! '

The feeding of their greed has ceased!
And preachers who preached to them evil...
Will find fewer of them feeling freed,
Greeted as they leave their Sunday seats.

It's all so hypocritically blasphemous,
Isn't it? '

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