Terrorism Poem by Savita Tyagi


Terrorism has no religion, no creed
No nationality, no caste and no heart.

A radical maneuvering of war rules,
Based on poisonous thoughts, masked
In human mind of countless identities.

An acid thrown with vengeance
Upon decency from hands unmarked.

Edited on 8.7.2016

Thursday, October 8, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: reflection,terrorism
Bri Edwards 06 August 2016

Savita, sorry, but i don't agree with using Radicalism as the title. perhaps you can look at some definitions i copied from Google sites. then tell me if you really want to use radicalism, calling it poison and acid thrown with vengeance. hmm? ========================================================================= RADICALISM: radicalism play noun rad·i·cal·ism \ˈra-di-kə-ˌli-zəmPopularity: Bottom 50% of words Simple Definition of radicalism : the opinions and behavior of people who favor extreme changes especially in government: radical political ideas and behavior Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary ====================================== RADICAL: rad·i·cal ˈradək(ə) l/ adjective adjective: radical 1. (especially of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough. a radical overhaul of the existing regulatory framework synonyms: thoroughgoing, thorough, complete, total, comprehensive, exhaustive, sweeping, far-reaching, wide-ranging, extensive, across the board, profound, major, stringent, rigorous radical reform antonyms: superficial forming an inherent or fundamental part of the nature of someone or something. the assumption of radical differences between the mental attributes of literate and nonliterate peoples synonyms: fundamental, basic, essential, quintessential; More structural, deep-seated, intrinsic, organic, constitutive radical differences between the two theories antonyms: minor (of surgery or medical treatment) thorough and intended to be completely curative. characterized by departure from tradition; innovative or progressive. a radical approach to electoral reform 2. advocating or based on thorough or complete political or social reform; representing or supporting an extreme section of a political party. a radical American activist synonyms: revolutionary, progressive, reformist, revisionist, progressivist; More extreme, extremist, fanatical, militant, diehard, hard-core a radical political movement antonyms: reactionary, moderate, conservative 3. of or relating to the root of something, in particular. Mathematics of the root of a number or quantity. denoting or relating to the roots of a word. Music belonging to the root of a chord. Botany of, or springing direct from, the root or stem base of a plant. 4. North Americaninformal very good; excellent. Okay, then. Seven o'clock. Radical! ========================================= of course some radicals may use violence...........like we did during the American Revolution. i'm not necessarily agreeing with the Am. Revolution, mind you. perhaps i would prefer Terrorism, Despotism, Racism, or.............? bri :) p.s. did you mean no cast or no caste? ?

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Savita Tyagi 06 August 2016

Thanks Bri for your comment. I do agree with you. Not all form of radicalism is bad or initiates violence. Lately the word has been used in its most negative form. May be that is what I referred to while writing this. I do remember that these words became part of my larger poem ' The Terrorist '. In there I have used the word terrorism instead of radicalism. Thanks for pointing to another mistake. I will edit it to 'caste '.

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