Roll Up Those Sleeves Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Roll Up Those Sleeves

The telling of lies left as told,
Has never kept anyone...
Feeling more protected nor braver or bold.
And those investing in deception,
Are the ones behind the increase of crime.
The kind younger people accept,
As seen as they connect...
To world events over the internet.

It has become rather unfortunate,
People less conscious...
Wish to project proper social graces and etiquette.
With a feeding of deception that has left them addicted.
And showing to display themselves mentally defected,
Has kept values and standards they wish to reflect...
More reason why divisions and conflicts affect,
Mindsets believing their neighbors are threats.

A taking off those suits and ties...
With attempts made to minimize those told lies,
To roll up those sleeves to leave behind fantasies...
And facing honesty and truth to pursue reality,
Would be beneficial before anyone else has to bleed...
For greed and gluttony to feed exclusively,
The ones who believe they have the right...
To eliminate life as they choose from others,
With a finding to discover their evils to inflict...
Has been on their own sisters and mothers,
Fathers and brothers...AND themselves to commit.

Truth is there not to go anywhere!
Truth is there and shouldn't cause such despair.
Yet disguising to deceive,
Will not bring about peace for anyone to live or believe.
Truth is there not to go anywhere!
Truth is there and shouldn't cause such despair.
Or have it to be done when the ending comes for everyone,
To leave tomorrow a reality no one lives to know.

'What is this? '

~Centuries ago on 'this' planet,
They once used that as a weapon.~

How was it used? '

~To destroy themselves.~

'But why? '

~Take it with you if you wish,
Back to the ship.
But don't get that curious about it.
We are here to investigate,
How these barbarians existed.
Not to celebrate their ignorance.~

I suppose you're right.
But Daddy? '

What is it? '

'Why is it that You keep,
This side of the heavens...
Repeatedly kept so dull?
Can we end this trip and go back home? '

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