Remember When? Poem by Kristin Nicole RothDavis

Remember When?

Rating: 5.0

Remember when we would give our hearts to everyone and everything
When life was change and we accepted what life would bring
When the seasons would represent their purpose
When it was okay to be so child-like in the spring!

Remember when life stood still in moments of making memories
When families would gather together and share stories
When time would stand still, so it seemed just to recognize LOVE
When people weren’t ashamed of having values
When the children were allowed and encouraged to speak to the Man Above!

Life has changed and the purpose deliberately been rearranged
Presidents of this country acting like a pig that’s been deranged
People don’t even live by the same standards anymore
Strutting their attitudes and making waves with their community
Pushing and shoving and telling the children to keep score!

Remember when people would help others
When daughters looked up to their mothers
When people would lend out a helping hand
When people knew there were hard times, but didn’t complain
When things were tough people came together
When we would give our hearts another chance to start

There was hope in the eyes of the people because we never gave up
The value of the dollar was better than now
Even though very few made much
There wasn’t all this fuss over war and such
Our lives as people connected and we weren’t scared to touch lives
Nowadays, the definition in the word “surprise”
Has also changed, for nowadays, it doesn’t necessarily mean good
My eyes hurt from all these tears,
I wonder are we ever going to make things right, am I understood?

Remember when there was joy in the homes of families
When we seen someone out of change at the counter we would help out
When families were in dire need of food and shelter
When we would encourage our children to not judge when things weren’t kelter
When we stuck together even back in times of the depression
When people’s word counted for something special

I can’t help but wonder if our children will Remember When?
Due to the way things are compared to back then
Makes me quite scared
Are our lives going to be spared?
Will our hearts voice be shared?
When it’s all said and done
I am as proud as anyone
I pray with all my heart’s intent
That you fully understand the power and meaning
And seek one another’s contentment!

Frank James Ryan Jr...fjr 01 October 2006

Poetess K....I just knew you had another Poem to usually post 3 at a time, more or less, , , but 2...uh-uh...knew that wasn't gonna cut i've been sittin' here was certainly worth the wait, young lady! ' Tis quite the insightful, societal verse, and I like it much, Kris......Well, my night is now complete, that is unless you are going to take me down for the count, and Pen # 4? Beam me up, or i will catch up to you...F.Y.I. >I'm up-to -date on things...been in touch with Doc, just to let you know.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''FRANK(frankster)

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Brian Mills 02 October 2007

this is awesome and SOOOO very true.......thnx for sharing dear! ! ! ! ! spoke to my heart and hopefully to others as well........people need to be like they were in the 40's & 50's.......helping other Americans in need..........hope this opens everyone's eyes that reads this! ! ! ! Brian

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Linda Ori 01 October 2006

Scarey times for our children to grow up in. But if they have strong family ties and morality, they will be able to make the right choices for their own destinies. Have faith in what you have taught your children, and they will succeed and flourish! Love, Linda

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Diane Violet 01 October 2006

Beautiful write Kristin. All the best, Diane.

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Patricia Gale 01 October 2006

Insightful read Sis, you heart sings of a purer time and you shall pass it on to your children and your childrens children. Outstanding write!

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Lesa K 01 October 2006

Beautiful and thought-provoking write. Well done, Kristin!

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Kristin Nicole RothDavis

Kristin Nicole RothDavis

Southern Oklahoma... <country gal here>
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