Real Self Poem by Tony Kavuoti

Real Self

For better and worse or both, how we felt before birth, intra uterusly, as an infant, as a child are the impressions we carry for the rest of our life. Blessed our those that go through life with this tale wind. But the vast majority of of us have a headwind, dealing with so called loved ones hostel, and ambiguous attitudes right from the start. The damage is made and set for life. Denial of this only makes for a life of distortions and illusions that is a life of denial. We end up believing we are in love with our distortions. We destroy each other by trying to make our distortions work. We go to work for our distortions, we marry our distortions, we idealize are distortions. That is why we self-destruct. That is why you have so many symptoms. That is why you're depressed. Is why you drink so much. Is why you are on medications. That is why you are so irritated. That is why you want so much materialistically, in a vain attempt to fill is void. But we want to be with someone that loves us for us, as we really are, who excepts us when we are in our real emotional states. Think about that, how real that is. We need to be with Someone that loves us not for what we project which takes constant effort, which is not the self but an effort of the self; to flourish we need someone that sees us, that except that cherishes us for how we really are, in our default mold, which is our early impressions. Which for most of us is not a pretty picture. The active persona that we cultivate later in life is our representative. The more our representative represents us, and not our ideal self, the more real satisfaction we will experience. It takes wisdom, intellect, and a deep desire to live your life to except this. Your life could seem to be very successful, very interesting but if it is not your life, you have no real life. First we have to see ourselves. We cannot see our own eyes in our own face. So we need to be around people that really love us for us.

A Big house can not make up for lack of authenticity.

Sex all the time, will not make up for lack of authenticity.

All the money in the world will never make up for lack of authenticity.

All the fame in the world cannot make up for lack of authenticity.

Very famous rich and successful Actors are committing suicide, think about it!

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