Ph: Humor: A ' Chicken ' One Can Milk! Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Humor: A ' Chicken ' One Can Milk!

Known fact, Hindus believe that no cow should get eaten,
that milk is enough, and their flesh should not sweeten
our tongues (grace a stew) ! Let me not steer you wrong! We
more thrive who eat COOKED meat, are less vegetarian.
God's the ‘mistake' (that our teeth all EVOLVED to PLANNED niche) ?

Who loves chicken-laid eggs (poached, boiled, scrambled)but would ditch
Kentucky Fried Chicken? Is this a sectarian
war or a question of whose ass gets grilled? Why flee
pleasure for prejudice? Not that I wish to offend,
but how sacred can this be, meat's whim or a Godsend?

Some may think that I've already milked this past season,
my plea, we breed cows to lay eggs (is this treason?)
breed chickens with tits (we can milk)and give midgets
employment, beyond astronautics (small minds use less
fuel, more bang for the buck)and cash saved feeds the poor

(or enriches the wealthy) ? No lobby for deer, door
to barn left wide open; improvements don't coalesce
that we can squander? Do Buck horns fail, surrogates
pawned off on China while Trump swills ground rhino horns? Lord,
grant us notions or potions, with ‘COVID, ' we're so bored!

Brian Johnston
21st of July in 2020

Poet's Notes:
Blame Bri Edwards, ‘THE postal poet' of notoriety
whose friendship (even with retirement)drives me to such excesses!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: humor,religion,science
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