Perspective Poem by Allen Steble The Philosophical Poet


There are four people each in their own cars travelling in different directions.

Janis is in one car travelling West along an open road and spots a cloud in the sky a few kilometres in front of her, to her the cloud looks like an eagle. It gives her a smile.

Adam is in a different car heading South on the same open road, he sees the same cloud about 30 kilometres away, though from his perspective, the cloud looks like a moose. It gives him a brief smirk.

Rebecca is in yet another car travelling East on the same open road, she spots the same cloud about 15 kilometres away, though from her perspective, the cloud looks like a dolphin. It gives her a chuckle.

Jeff is in the last car and is travelling North on the same open road, he notices the same cloud about 50 kilometres away, though from his perspective, the cloud looks like a snake, he had a negative experience with a snake once so it gave him frown.

We all came from different backgrounds and are heading in different directions in life. Four different people may have vastly different reactions to the same event, that doesn't make any of them right or wrong. It is merely a perspective.

We have all judged a book by it cover from time to time, we are after all, only human. We are all at different stages of life and that too can cloud perception, it doesn't necessarily make a person good or bad, right or wrong. It is just a perception.

Always be willing to give people a fair go and allow them to have their say, allow them the freedom to believe what gives them joy and hope, because in the end, it does not matter if you see a dolphin or a snake in the clouds, it's a perception based on your unique circumstances that have led you to this point in your life.

Having said that you can always choose to change your perception to find the beauties and mysteries in life, and no matter what stage of life you are in, there is always treasures to be found even in the simple things.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: life,perspective
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