Perception Poem by Vanessa Kingsley


I was the mutation. I was to be mutated into a monster that would dramatize everything; that would destroy her world and others, without realizing what I may have done or what I am doing or will do. To everyone it is perceived in a different light. I may be crazy, unstable, different, mentally handicapped. Some may have actually come to the conclusion that I am just a bad person and that is simply not the case.
Of course the optimists would contest that. No one can be simply evil; it’s just impossible. No one can truly hate the world and want to destroy anything and everyone; though I wonder why couldn’t a person become that mean and evil in perfect health, nothing wrong with them, just a ‘normal’ person with a major anger problem. I believe it is all perception. We want so much to believe in those fairy tales where good overcomes evil and evil is secluded to a spot to fester and die.
Our precedence, our priority is to shield and turn the other way. Not the other cheek.
Our monotonous, lives circumnavigate, around an anthropology that unsurprisingly make absolutely no sense at all. The only thing left to do is adjourn our perception of life and simply rearrange it so that it fits and comes together like this weird poem/paper thing.

Vanessa Kingsley

Vanessa Kingsley

Colorado Springs, Colorado
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