Paul The Bachelor Poem by Randy McClave

Paul The Bachelor

I think that I'm going to be like Apostle Paul
I say this to the world one and all,
As I will always help the people as the Bible does say
And for their soul, I will always forgive then pray.

You can now remove me from the dating scene
All that it is, is lying cheating stealing and very obscene,
I need no woman in my home or ever at my side
I need not a girlfriend, and certainly not a bride.

Paul led a full and caring and a very spiritual life
Without having or needing a girlfriend or ever a wife,
He did what he did as a bachelor all alone
Never not having a woman did he ever cry for or moan.

Paul said that he wished that all men were as he was
Not seeking or needing a woman for desire or for love,
And he says this as a concession and not ever as a command
But, he believed it is better not to give a female your hand.

Paul wrote and said that he wished more men were like he
Not ever needing or desiring a she,
And of course each man has been given his very own gift
Unto their very soul it was designed to lift.

Unto the widows and bachelors it is good to not marry
Your load alone you should proudly carry,
But, if they can't control their needs they should always wed
For its better to marry, than to burn with passion in bed.

Women bring more than passion they also bring worries and pain
Sometimes I don't understand how a married man stays sane,
So, I have no need or desire for a woman anymore
I'm heeding to the words of Paul, I'm remaining a bachelor.

Randy L. McClave

In the Bible Paul wrote that he wished more was like him, so I expanded his words a little.
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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