Pass The Cactus Plant Around Poem by Allen Steble The Philosophical Poet

Pass The Cactus Plant Around

It was a strange and eerie day
when I seen a stranger strolling by
He held a thorny cactus plant in his hand
and threw it to a young man walking nearby
the man was unprepared and a tad annoyed
at how someone can just throw a cactus at him
for no reason at all
He cried out with a "Yelp" of sharp pain
as it hit him in his lower back
and bounced to the ground next to his feet
so he picked up the cactus oh so gently
but could not find the man who had thrown it
so he searched for the nearest person
who was in throwing range
and threw it with all his might
right toward the calm woman's face
"@#%$7" the older woman proclaimed
"why would you do such a terrible thing"
he looked at the woman with a vacant stare and simply said
"someone threw it at me first, so I thought I would pass it on"
this went on for quiet some time
one would throw the cactus plant
and hurt a complete stranger just to even the score
until everyone in the entire town was scratched and scathed
by that single spikey cactus plant
the lesson is we all have bad days from time to time
but just because you're having a bad day
doesnt mean you should take it out on a complete stranger
by throwing that cactus at them just because you found it first
dont throw your pain at another person
for there is enoughpain in the world as it is
give people the gift of kindness and compassion
and a warm gentle smile
let happiness spread the longest mile

Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: compassion,mood

What a great philosophy.

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