Paradise lost
Wednesday,4th August 2021
Hell and heaven
both are our creation
fools make its mention
wise go for its retention
what is there in paradise?
that surprises us!
is there no work and only joy
or a simple image to enjoy
no one shall find an answer
as it is raised here
it is an escape route
to shoot the arrow in no direction
if life is a struggle
and makes no hurdle
life should be taken as a paradise
one must remain committed and promise
it is no more paradise
the moment you feel it is disguise
life is no worth
and start fearing death
the life shall turn hell
the pain shall swell
the curses and remorse shall fall
you shall find life a gigantic wall
Dr Hasmukh Mehta
D.Litt, Folt
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
welcome.. Karma La