One Happy Place Poem by Dani Kerr

One Happy Place

Through the fields I go
Marching through the thorns
and flowers
Up ahead I see the mountains
filled with snow
The birds fly by while I look
at the sky
I look behind me and see
the flames growing.
They come nearer. I run.
Ahead I see a lake
a lake of acid
to my left I see a meadow,
with flowers and a stream
to my right I see a forest.
A forest of darkness
I think to me self
'What path should I take? '
One leads me to bliss and peace while
the others lead to pain, loss, and loneliness
I feel the flames graze my back
as they devour my shadow.
I run for the meadow
the only place that seams safe.
The flames follow my trail of wind
My bare feet sting and bleed from the thorns
I run into the field and fall into the bed of flowers
I wash my face in the stream then
I look back into my path and see that the
flames have stopped.
I pick a flower and sniff its delicious scent
The lake and the forest have been destroyed by the flames
I lay my head back down
and I feel the suns golden rays warm my body.
The fresh smelling wind making the grass whistle a soothing sound
as the melody of smells fill my nostrils
I can finally rest in sweet peace.

Monday, May 5, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: happiness
This poem came to me during history class. I'm not really sure what inspired me to write this. I think of it being about having to choose your path in life and only one can lead to eternal happiness (heaven) . I think of the fire as the devil following you but when you reach heaven he can't hurt you. Anyways, I appreciate reading your comments! Thank you to those few who have. :) feel free to give your opinion, it does help me become a better writer. Thank You!
Colleen Courtney 06 May 2014

Wow. This is a really great poem. An interesting and enjoyable story is told! Well done!

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