Oklahoma Dawn Poem by Savita Tyagi

Oklahoma Dawn

Rating: 5.0

If I ever move out of Edmond Oklahoma the memories of beautiful O.K. dawn would go with me wherever I go. In later part of February with unusually mild winter, spring seems to step in early this year as I notice a little bit of light sneaking in from my blinds before my alarm goes off at 6.45.am. Some time I come and stand by my dining room window facing east to watch the colors of sky as it prepares to receive the rising sun. On some days I have seen the most beautiful colors of red, orange yellow and blue overlapping the sky with the utmost beauty that nature has to offer. Against the backdrop of winter dead black and brown trees that are still stripped of greenery and dark brown rooftops that are as sleepy as people living in it, the view offers a tranquil grace before the world beneath it starts to stir up with chirping of birds, the sound of garage door openers and wheeling of cars with their headlights on.
I do not know what combination of environmental facts cause these charming colors in sky but on these special days I have seen the most wonderful rising of sun like a big ball of glowing red that artists long to paint. Sometime I see its full view sometime partially obscured. In my excitement once I have ran down the street in my nightgown to catch a full view. But usually I curb my running out of house desire for fear of being indecent. I do become thankful if my son has to go early to school on one of those days giving me a chance to drink in the intoxicating beauty of o.k. Landscape at dawn as I drive him to school. And I never forget to ask him to look at the sun though I know it couldn't escape anybody's attention.
If I were a painter I would draw the scene again and again. But for now I am content to cherish it in my memories forever. The coming of dawn is like a sweet calling rising in my heart to go on with my day's business with a cheerful vitality. The colors of dawn prepare the sky for the grand arrival of sun and in my humility I feel like bowing to it with utmost devotion as to prepare my soul to receive this divine beatitude. The gifts of nature are as divine to me as the gifts of my senses that are given to me to enjoy this bounty. No wonder the ancient poets called these elements of nature Deva-meaning the one who illuminates. The grand sun is the illuminator of life as we go about our business from dawn to dusk feeling the intensity of life under its varying shades. It is there for us to enjoy, to cherish and to be thankful to god almighty for its blessings. The beautiful dawn and the rising sun at once become a symbol of life for me in so many ways. The life presided by the grandeur of sun that was here in past, is here in its continuity for me to live and would be here long after I fade in oblivion.

Oklahoma Dawn
This is not a poem.Just some of my reflections written some time back. The gorgeous sunny morning of Oklahoma is still something to rave about.
Rajnish Manga 08 January 2019

The poem presents a very lively landscape of Edmond Oklahoma particularly associated with its colourful sunrise scenes which you are so fond of. You have very truthfully and with a sense of gratitude portrayed the place and the life there of. You have rightly said 'The beautiful dawn and the rising sun at once become a symbol of life for me in so many ways'. Enjoyed the graphic details presented by the poem and the matching pic. Thanks for sharing.

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Bri Edwards 17 December 2018

(cont.) 2 - e.g. “dark brown rooftops that are as sleepy as people living in it” & “coming of dawn is like a sweet calling rising in my heart to go on with my day's business with a cheerful vitality.” BUT, please curb your exuberance! at least don a bathrobe before running down the street in nightgown, so as to not provoke UNwanted attention from men in your neighborhood! ! ! To MyPoemList I’ll be passing through OK on way to NC this month. Bri (:

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Bri Edwards 17 December 2018

1 - ...written some time back ? ? ? ? i WONDER how LONG ago some time back IS! ! ! ! you are no spring chicken, my friend. what 'grade' was your son in 'then', or is he a teacher now and you drive him to school. though i did not recognize it as a poem and you admitted as much in your Poet's Notes, it had a hint of poesy with some of your creative writing. (cont.)

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Valsa George 17 December 2018

A wonderfully descriptive account of the Oklahoma dawn! You have gifted us with a rich experience though we are not there to witness such a heavenly dawn! This is the power of an artist and poet! Though you couldn't paint the scene using a brush and palette, you have sketched a mesmerizing scene using your pen! Enjoyed every single detail of it! A sure 10

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Kumarmani Mahakul 16 December 2018

The memories of beautiful O.K. dawn from winter to spring are beautifully narrated in this excellent reflective poem. This is a very brilliant poem shared here.10

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