Ode To My Beloved Poem by Chimwemwe kangulero

Ode To My Beloved

In distant realms, where legends thrived with grace,
There danced a princess, beauty to embrace.
Her golden locks, like sunlight on the shore,
A radiant smile that spirits would adore.

Among the crowds, a young man caught her eye,
His heart aflame, love's flame began to fly.
His eyes, like diamonds, sparkled with desire,
A burning passion only fate could inspire.

Yet time decreed a test of patient heart,
For love's sweet seed to flourish, he must start.
The young man knew he must bide in the shade,
For in this tale, love's fire was yet unmade.

So with each morn, he watched her from afar,
Counting the beats of his love-stricken heart.
The sweetest torment in his silent plea,
To one day claim her love, their destinies decree.

Days turned to weeks, and seasons came and went,
But love's bright seed in him remained unbent.
Through trials and tribulations they would face,
His love remained, a strong and steady pace.

With each passing year, the princess grew,
And as she did, her heart began to view
The fire within the young man, true and bold,
A love untamed, a story yet untold.

Finally, the moment long foreseen,
Their paths converged, as if by fate's keen sheen.
Their souls connected, their spirits entwined,
As two lost stars that had at last aligned.

The young man's wait, though tinged with bittersweet,
Was worth the prize, a love so rare and deep.
For in his patience lay a lesson found,
That true love's bloom must be nurtured, unbound.

So let my love story be a timeless ode,
To those who wait, love's journey yet untold.
For though the waiting may feel long and hard,
In the end, love's fruit will be sweetly marred.

This poem is for ticia my long lost lover
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