Obesity Is Not For Me Todays Idiocy Poem by ivor or ivor.e hogg

Obesity Is Not For Me Todays Idiocy

I must confess that I grow less
now that I’ve given up fast food.
I did not do it to impress
I had to prove to me I could.

I was in fact a complete mess.
My appetite out of control.
Macdonalds ruled my life I guess
fast food became my only goal.

Until one day I chanced to see,
reflected in a window pane.
A big fat slob and it was me.
This made me resolve to abstain.

Although MacDonalds tempted me.
I only had myself to blame.
I had surrendered easily.
But now I understood their game.

As I grew fat so they grew rich.
They did not give a fig for me
So I decided I would switch
and start to eat more healthily.

Now I am slim and loving it
I am the weight I ought to be
Still tempted sometimes I admit.
But I walk past triumphantly.

http: // blog.my space.com/poeticpiers

Sathyanarayana M V S 24 October 2008

Dear Ivor! You have done the right thing. Now it is time you go great guns. Not only fast foods, even vegetables, cereals etc. grown with chemical manures and pecticides are proving to be very harmful to us. In India, some rich people get all food crops, vegetable grown in chemical manure/pesticide free fields....10

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ivor or ivor.e hogg

ivor or ivor.e hogg

Hebburn.Co Durham U.K
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