Not That I'm Boring Poem by Mark Heathcote

Not That I'm Boring

My heart has had enough of the carnival ride
how tiring it is to be thrown around
jolted back and forth,
how I long for something now more sedate and stable.
Something that'll keep my feet on the ground
and under at least one kitchen table.

A cup and saucer ride would be now more in keeping
With how I'm feeling.
Not that I'm boring, but I've had my fill of excitement
and highwire spills, and at my age,
the funhouse and the haunted house
are too overcrowded with young folk or people
I've known who can't or won't pick up
the phone or answer me back in text.
So now all I want is to hook me a duck or catch
me a goldfish and be on my way back home.

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