Not-So-Easy-Rider Poem by Michael Morris


Rating: 5.0

'Do you think I should get a motor-bike? '
said Gracie to her Mum.
'Not this year, dear, ' her Mum replied,
'Some books might be more fun'

'But I would love to buzz along
much faster than a scooter.
Does a motor-bike need to have a horn? '
'No, dear, I think it's a hooter.'

'But I could go to the shops for you,
and get things on your list.
I'd be there and back so quickly
I wouldn't be even missed.'

'You're very kind, Grace, and I know
a motor-bike would be heaven.
But we must keep the law, you see.
And this year you're only seven.'

Bill Mitton 09 January 2006

Only seven, going on forty! That girl will rule the world by the time she's 21! Nice one Mike.

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Joseph Daly 05 January 2006

This is brilliant Michael, I am a sucker for the-twist-in-the-tail. Some might say that this has the Pam Ayers feel to it, I wouldn.t insult you that much. If anything I'm remindes of Chuck Berry's classic, 'Memphis, Tennessee'.

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Ernestine Northover 01 January 2006

That's a smasher of a poem and a lovely ending which was divine. Well done indeed. Thanks for posting. Love Ernestine XXX

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Cj Heck 08 December 2005

LOL, this is adorable, Michael. You had me there, right up to the surprise ending. Well done, LOL, well done. Warmest regards, CJ

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