Myopic Impertinence Poem by Cynthia Buhain-baello

Myopic Impertinence

Some people cannot take other people's views
They force their beliefs on us and some even accuse
Without valid basis, information, or facts-
Thus showing much of what their character lacks.

Nearsighted and almost blind, myopic at best.
These are the kind that can so rudely infest
The free-thinking world with their impertinence
As if they alone have the right to have existence.

We are not mice or guinea pigs here for experiment,
For those shady vaccines the pharma giants implement
On our human bodies and all those in infancy,
Because some of those drugs have caused infertility.

Some of those vaccines were so toxic they caused deaths.
That fact has been proven and it's as morbid as it gets.
With their ulterior motives and their sinister plan
These evil monsters want the control and rule of man.

Reduce humanity to a mere half a billion people,
So they can enjoy world resources as long as they're able.
We know all these elites pull the strings with their money-
Not all men are brainwashed, we can still speak out, can't we?

Copyright Cynthia Buhain-Baello~~~~04.30.20

Myopic Impertinence
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: tyranny
Cynthia Buhain-baello

Cynthia Buhain-baello

Manila, Philippines
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