Morning Glory Poem by Valsa George

Valsa George

Valsa George

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Valsa George
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Morning Glory

Rating: 5.0

The sun stealthily peeps from behind the hill
Tearing the black gown of the night
From his face golden rays spill
Brightening the Earth in dazzling light

Flowers bloom with the glow of the morning sky
They adorn the Earth all the year round
The heavens seen immaculate in azure dye
Tufts of grass carpet the rain soaked ground

Softly floating on the zephyr’s wing
The resonant notes of the *Koel rise
Bees hum round the honey cups of spring
These sounds echo like devotional songs of praise

The satin mantle of the dew strewed mead
The queer shaped fluffy clouds that slide
The lambs locked in pens, finally freed
Which along the sloppy prairies glide

With the sun shedding beams of golden ray
I walk tracing the course of the meandering stream
And to the bank of the quiet river, I wind my way
To sit there for hours absorbed in my dream

This is where one can seek restful seclusion
Sheltered from world’s sickening strife and stress
Enjoying peace and quiet in profusion
Where nagging thoughts never invade to distress

I feel Heaven in this bounteous Nature is hid
With so much sweetness and serenity around
I would like to imagine all my cares fled
Being here so lost in the beauty that surround!

* Koel is a sweet singing bird commonly seen in India!
Pradip Chattopadhyay 08 February 2014

heaven is here, to be seen, to be touched, to be felt. a soul stirring poem Valsa.

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Geetha Jayakumar 08 February 2014

A Wonderful poem Valsa. You have captured the nature's beauty in a very fantastic way. While reading your poem, I felt I am somewhere standing in the midst of a beautiful village, especially to savour Morning Glory with Koel's sweet song. To enjoy the nature, chirping of birds, humming of bees, especially in morning, cool breeze blowing with only the sweet sounds flowing is really the charming way to enjoy the nature. Free from this traffic life, no sounds of horns, free from all pollution. Really loved reading this bounteous Nature... Thanks a lot for the valuable and sincere comments for my poem..How should I comment for your poems?

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Deepak Kumar Pattanayak 08 February 2014

O holy virgin! O radiant morning, I salute you, your heavenly glory........for life comes alive with your blushing......... Valsa............very inspiring poem...........

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Dinesan Madathil 08 February 2014

Life of an integral part of a brilliant day pulsates here and the abundance of attributions of the paraphernalia of the advancing day has been meticulously synchronized here... As a poem dedicated to the mild Sun and the mild mid summer Morning of the first half of February in India, this write is an amazing lyrical feast to the readers who can feel the chimes of the music portrayed within the form. Thank you for sharing this fine poem madam Valsa.

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Valerie Dohren 08 February 2014

Beautiful poem Valsa, with many very inspired lines that paint a lovely picture.

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Parveen 17 January 2018

Morning glory is my favorite flower its like its filled fully surrounding my house and me super feel of it 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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Akhtar Jawad 29 September 2014

At the bank of a quiet river watching beauty of nature in seclusion makes a poetess care free for a few moments and the beautiful thoughts come like a pleasant flow of river or a mild blow of wind and piece of beauty, a work of art is created, a joy for the poetess and her readers as well.

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Hazel Durham 20 February 2014

A cocktail of nature served so beautifully as serenity flows over me as I read such superb lines!

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Bursting with beauty. Well done my friend.

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Md Asadullah 16 February 2014

I wonder how you have written so much about sights and sounds of morning. Poem is perfectly rhymed which is increasing its appeal, I am wondering is it a poem or a painting, wonderful, thanks for sharing :)

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Valsa George

Valsa George

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Valsa George
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