Memorial Day 2023 Poem by Jim Yerman

Memorial Day 2023

We all know the reason Memorial Day came to be…
to honor and to mourn those who died to keep our country free.

I imagine most people in the world love peace and hate war as much as me
I imagine when it comes to war and peace…most people accept the dichotomy.

How in our universal family…war and peace are antithetical brothers….
and how, sometimes in this world, you can't have one without the other.

So we set aside a day to honor and to mourn those who died for us…
It matters not their religion, their color, their gender…if they were lesbian…our gay
in war they shared one label…soldier…and we honor them today.

It is a day we reserve once a year…when we put our disputes and differences aside.
When we come together as one nation to commemorate every soldier who has died.

I wonder if the best way to honor them…
these soldiers who blended on the battlefield…
who suffered the ultimate fate…
would be to live in the free country they died for…
free of discrimination, free of prejudice…free of hate.

For only in a country where everyone is free and equal…
where wars and hatred and prejudice cease….
can those soldiers who died fighting for our freedom in wars
finally rest in peace.

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