Master Of The Universe Poem by R B Seals

Master Of The Universe

Rating: 4.5

Beyond sand and shore,
vast waters of a mighty sea
spread out before Him;
its waves— spirited, steadfast,
synchronous, strident—crash on
shore, yet stop short His person.

Beneath sparkling surface, a coursing
current remains hidden, mysterious by
design—alive, unflinching, free—like
its creator—running head-on without
compromise or regret, always moving
forward, unbridled and irrepressible
from an elusive, unknown source
toward a final, foreign and fateful

Like the waters, multidimensional in
scope and function, He moves freely
above mere mankind: away from the
commonality, the frivolousness and
selfishness, the baseness of their souls
that too often articulate the dramas that
earmark the nature of human existence.
For His being is a manner well elevated
beyond mere limits of human constraints,
always evolving beyond the mystical,
beyond the magical—heedless of time,
place, substance or history.

Walking along the water’s edge,
He directs His gaze beyond the
gentle, graceful waves that caress
the shore and for a brief moment,
He contemplates the enticement
of a distant “shore” and its tranquil,
satisfying opportunity for recurring,
unhindered introspection—a place
held in highest regard: inviting,
captivating, sacred—reasoned
necessary for the evaluation and
lasting process of extraordinary
events. A place, for a scant
moment, seemingly outside
His capable reach.

Likened to the waters,
as in all things universal:
Events—as divinely inspired—
sometimes worthy, sometimes
infrequent of praise; sometimes
met with distrust or disdain;
Events—as glorious concepts—
that create, transform and perhaps
evolve; yet always too quickly
—perhaps, too conveniently—
die at the whim of its creator.

His will—it seems—is done!

Master Of The Universe
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: universe,water,creation,earth,god
Ken E Hall 12 November 2015

Our Master is shown so well as the waves of life always carried forward in the surging waves of the sea the might of the oceans just a small picture in Gods strength with the mighty universe...regards

1 1 Reply
R B Seals 03 July 2016

Regretfully, I managed to overlook your comment from last November. Please forgive my error in not responding in a timely manner. That aside...thank you so much for your insightful comment regarding the writing. I appreciate your time and effort responding to the work. Thanks again, Ken...and best wishes!

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Godfrey Morris 25 May 2015

Awesome poem. I did enjoy reading this write.

1 1 Reply
R B Seals 27 May 2015

Thank you, Godfrey! I greatly appreciated your courage in approaching this writing. Because of the religious undertones, I fear some readers are influenced by their convictions and beliefs and hence, unable to maintain objectivity as their open-mindedness is put to test.

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Kelly Kurt 18 April 2015

A thought inspiring poem, RB. Thanks

1 1 Reply
R B Seals 19 April 2015

Thanks, Kelly, for your kind words!

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Gajanan Mishra 18 April 2015

we are at the whim of the creator. I like it.

1 1 Reply
R B Seals 19 April 2015

Gajanan, thank you for your response and understanding. For many, influenced by childhood religious doctrines, the ability to view the poem's message objectively can be problematic. I appreciate your open-mindedness in your reading of this work. Thanks, again!

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R B Seals

R B Seals

Columbus, Ohio
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