- Lust - Poem by Aparna Chatterjee

- Lust -

Rating: 2.8

When I look at you
Lust looks at me...

Love is so far away
Lust captivates me.

I give in to you…
Lust seduces me.

Soul Watcher 23 January 2016

Short but strong.. Well done

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Bill Cantrell 14 October 2019

Passion is an intoxicating master of pleasures, making resistance vanish before all reasoning, a really good poem!

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Sylvia Frances Chan 11 February 2019

You are so very right. Excellent and honest poem..The final state of love of a woman and a man, not only love is there, but is also present too and both are working for a well balanced mental level. A WOW-poem. Thank you for sharing this truth. A myriad of 10´s.

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Carl Roussell 29 May 2018

Pure physical passion - a very strong poem

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Gayathri Seetharam 20 March 2018

It is simply beautiful and I like the fact that you said Lovable or Lustful Love. -Gayathri B. Seetharam

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Dr Antony Theodore 13 April 2016

I give in to you… Lust seduces me.. short and sweet and to the point . your simple and direct language is something fine. thank you for your poem. tony

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