Let Me Tell You Why I Admire You Poem by Hebert Logerie

Let Me Tell You Why I Admire You

I have been waiting for the right second
To tell you why I admire you, my dark blond
I love you more than I can fathom or imagine
I love you as I sleep or live happily in a dream
‘Cause you're my rum raisin chocolate ice-cream
You're my soul, my tires, my clutch and my engine
I have been waiting for the right or perfect opportunity
To finally open up or spill the beans all over the streets
And to erupt like the dormant volcano of the last century
I love you because you're you a sweet beauty at all minutes
Of the day: you are sexy, sassy, bright, foxy and classy
From time to time, you glance at my diary book
To read my poems, my quotes, my ideas and to take a look
At what's happening behind my idyllic, poetic or literary
Expressions and hubba-hubbas. I love you affectingly for many
Powerful feelings that I cannot express publicly or openly
I admire you dearly for being clever, angelic and clairvoyant
And to a great extent interested in everything that I do
I admire you for endless and unselfish reasons that I can't
Invent. I love you deeply because you love me and your arrow
Is settled at the center of my heart. I'm no longer looking for
Excuses. Yet, I'm searching for a way to cleverly open the door
Of your heart, so I can get in any second of the day, my darling

Oh! Let me be redundant: you're smart, charming and tantalizing.

Copyright © January 2021, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.

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