Judges Poem by Randy McClave


Beware of the dark-eyed, dark-haired fillies
They will always lead you to the field of lilies,
And when they put their makeup on
You might as well figure that you are already gone.
They will always have contempt in their mind
So, unto them you can't ever be truthful or kind,
They will use you the best that they know how and can
Even, if you are the world's strongest man.
They will always ask you of your most guarded secrets
They will be strict, firm, loving and always heedless,
And if you tell them that you will not
Pain then upon yourself you have brought.
They will curse and they will scream and also shout
And then they'll cry the faith in you they do doubt,
They will then accuse you of not loving or caring for them at all
And then again, they will bawl.
I do not tell any man what to believe or what to do
But, please be careful or you're the one that's put in the stew,
Always be thinking and also always be broad minded
Or you will be the one that's tricked and blinded.
So, this I say to every man you must always watch your back
Always, be weary of the ones loving you in the sack,
Remember, always have your soul and virtues prepared
Especially, if you ever meet a woman dark-eyed and dark-haired.

Randy L. McClave

This poem is bases on the Book of Judges in the Bible, about Samson and three women he loved all dark eyed, dark haired
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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