I've Lots More Sailing To Do Today Poem by Mark Heathcote

I've Lots More Sailing To Do Today

He had a paper boat in which he placed his heart in
He sailed it around a coral island said to have a port
Each day he sailed, but no anchorage could he find?
Each night he sailed and no harbour could he discover?
So he circled the globe and then the universe
in his restless sleep and meditative state.
His hands were like two giant palm fronds
wrapped around an oar
Till an old fisherman asked him what was his catch,
What is your catch of the day, sir?
I've nothing to show you, old man, please move away
I've lots more sailing to do today.
But sir, a storm is coming; you must at once turnabout
I know of a haven the host won't be put out
He'll welcome you and your boat no doubt.
There's no doubt in my heart you mustn't go,
You mustn't go out anymore in the dark
There are waves headed your way, your vessel won't survive
Sir, I direct you at once to follow me to shelter
Sir, moor alongside me, and I'll see you to a sanctuary.
Good day, old man and good riddance
And tomorrow old man, good morrow,
For now, my boat is like wet paper mache and I must sail far, far away.
I've lots more sailing old man to do today.
I must sail far, far away, further than I ever sailed yesterday.

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