If Only It Were yesterday Poem by Mark Heathcote

If Only It Were yesterday

Return to me with kisses today.
And I might dream like it was yesterday
when first we kissed.
And you bit my bottom lip with passion,
and a purple bruise arose
that made you feel in an instant shameful
and full of remorse, but I forgave you
anyway, didn't I, sweetheart?
Even though it was painful,
I knew it wasn't meant.

But to hurt me now, dear
in this awful mean way
and know it wasn't a mistake
that it was meant to be hurtful
is unforgivable, darling.
It is spiteful and cruel,
and now unavoidably,
with deep regret in my heart,
it is time to repent.
Say our goodbyes and wish we never met.
And yet, how I might long for - if only it were
yesterday, returned to me
with bruising kisses today.

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